Blog Neglect Intervention
Yes....I've been in rehab for Blog Neglect. My friends and family think I should have plenty of time on my hands since I don't have kids to chase after. So they orchestrated an intervention! I now know the first step is to admit that I have a problem....and I do! My problem is my friends and family giving me a hard time and thinking that I laze around and do nothing, so should have time to update my blog hourly! (I think they should get a life, eh?)
But, to appease these folks and keep them from tossing me into blog rehab, I do have some updates.
Famous Couples Party....My "Hiking" group was straying far from the path of hiking with this get-together. We had to come as "Famous Couples". Since I have no other half of a couple (and my brother bowed out of being my partner for the party), I decided to be Miss Piggy and brought along Kermit! Well, first I had to have a costume. Being frugal, I visited the local thrift store for accessories. I couldn't come up with a stuffed pig from the thrift store, so hit up the pet department at Target...then I GUTTED that piggie! (odd that I enjoyed unstuffing a pig toy on my kitchen counter - more rehab later for that!)
Here's photo proof of this disasterous hobby of mine...Hiking that is!
Poor unsuspecting stuffed pig toy....
Poor unsuspecting stuffed pig toy....
Becomes Miss Piggy!
You did some kid a favor by gutting that pig. OMG, it was frickin' hideous! Luv how the Ms. Piggy costume turned out though. Very creative of you. Must run in the family...
Actually, the pig was a dog toy...I couldn't find one in the kids toy section. I was kinda proud of my creative streak...glued the ears to a headband, used the band from a mowing mask for the nose and safety pinned the corkscrew tail to my backside! Yup, quite a few more creative folks in our family, but at least I got a tad of that blood!
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