Geo-cacher that is....my sister, Karen (that's her in the photo), came to visit Saturday night and we enjoyed a dinner out at Sticky Fingers with over 50 fellow geocachers! Karen stayed over and we headed out in the morning in search of some local caches. My outdoor thermometer read 29 degrees when I got up...sheesh, I didn't think it got that cold in Georgia! So, we donned our long-johns, and piled on the warm layers to do some cold hard caching. Karen's been recovering from a nasty cold and had attempted to clear her ears 'scuba diver' style. You know, pinch your nose and blow, force air into your ear canal and 'poppin' your ears. Well, caused her some bit of pain, but that doesn't stop a serious cacher! We snagged 5 caches and I hid my first caches, three of them! Karen head home, but her ear was still hurting. Later that night she finally decided she couldn't take it anymore and headed to the urgent clinic. Sure enough, she'd busted her ear drum!! Now how many folks get out in freezing weather with a busted ear drum and still cache!?!? Only the crazy ones!
It was 15 degrees up here in Maine this afternoon. My youngest described it as "a little chilly" when I suggested she zip up her coat. 29 degrees up here is time to break out the shorts! ;-)
Holy cow! Do people grow thicker skin when they move that far north? Maybe you're just more hot-blooded, eh? I think I'd cry rivers of ice if I lived in that kinda cold!
Well, the eardrum is starting to heal, I beleive. Can't feel the eardrops going through the eardrum quite as bad now. Still a little stabbing pains sometimes, but getting much better. I'm able to take a shower now with cotton in my ear. Yeee-Hawwww. Within a week it should be all healed up!!
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