Holiday Fun's been a week of family gatherings, tons of food always goes with that. I enjoyed Christmas day with my sister, Debi, and her family and then the rest of the gang (sister Karen, brother David and their families) gathered yesterday for more Christmas spirit, drinking spirits and pigging out! Twenty-three of us...we had to each in shifts! Here's a few pics from our recent family Holiday get-togethers.

And finally...I get to ring in the New Year with an ugly cold...ugh! I probably caught it from one of the kids at our Christmas get-togethers. I rarely get sick, so when I do it hits me like a ton of bricks. I managed to drag my sniffly, sneezing, coughing, germy self into work all week and finally gave in on Friday to stay home sick. Hate using a vacation day to lay in bed sick. Resolutions? Nah...I actually set some goals way before January and am workin' on those.
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