Can I get a break?

So, I get home to find a notice from my homeowner's insurance to update my records. Thought I'd done all of my change of address notifications, but I've had them trickle in over the past few months from old credit cards and now my insurance. Chat with my insurance folks, State Farm, to give them my new address and I get the bad news. Seems they don't insure vacant homes (mine is vacant while I attempt to sell it in this sluggish market) and will promptly drop me in March when my policy ends!!! I'd sold my Virginia home while it was vacant for months and a Virginia State Farm agent had kept me insured. Not so with these folks in North Carolina. So I do a little googling and then give a call to another insurance company and get the really bad news! My annual insurance was around $700, but the first 3 months of insuring my vacant home was over the annual cost! My biggest hope is I'll get an offer and sell before my current insurance ends.

And now, another irritating situation. If you've been enjoying the saga of my Battle of the Mice, you'll be chuckling at the latest update. Yup, even though I sent six of those suckers to the Great Beyond (there had better not be a Heaven for mice!), there is fresh evidence of the flea-bitten varmints! And even worse, I spied this evidence in the guest bedroom and I'm expecting a guest this weekend! Even worse than that, my guest reads this blog! Ack! If anyone has advice on dispatching these mice, please post a comment. In the meantime, I'll be heading out for more sticky traps!
If you don't catch it and show me proof you've gotten it, I'm crashing on that comfy looking sofa in the living room. (eyeballing that sofa)
If I catch it, I'll tuck it into the guest bed just for you!
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