The good, the bad, the ugly
Let's see, I'll start with the good...
Back in October 2006 I purchased an Roomba from an online store, Hammacher Schlemmer, that offered a lifetime satisfaction guarantee. These little robotic vacuum cleaners aren't cheap, so when mine died just past a year old I wasn't happy. You pay enough for something, you expect it to last awhile, eh? So I contacted the company and they sure did stand behind their promise! The refunded the entire purchase price with no hassle at all. Try that at Walmart!
And while I'm on 'the good', I managed to have my Federal and two State returns in the bank withing 8 days of my efile...amazing!
And on to the bad...
I went out for a dinner with friends from my hiking group. We'd planned to celebrate two birthdays at the local Miyabi's Japanese Steak House. We didn't make reservations weeks ahead of time, so we knew we'd have a bit of a wait. After 2 hours I was ready to go somewhere else, but we toughed it out for yet another hour and were finally seated after 3 hours and 15 minutes!! No, the food wasn't that good!
And finally the ugly...

LOL, we have seen so evidence of mice so far this year. I guess Mittens and her "friends" are keeping the mouse population wiped out. Heaven knows those dogs are useless as mousers.
That would be "no evidence" not "so evidence."
Stupid hangover...
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