While my family took in record amounts of alcohol, lighting off fireworks, dancing & singing the night away and making drunk phonecalls at midnight to wish me and other less fortunate family members a Happy New Year! (
Check out my sister's blog for a good laugh)...I was busy being Puppy Momma.

(Above pic: Leclii's boy Sampson getting a bath)
(Photo to right: Freckles crashed in the crate)
Here's a few puppy photos from the weekend. They're much better smelling and I'm getting the feeding and cleaning routine down pretty well. My friend Jenny was only here for the weekend, so I'm facing the week of work and puppy care all by myself. In two weeks, my friend Leclii is planning on visiting and take two pups back for her family to adopt and two back for Jenny to find adoptive homes. Now...if any of you are looking for a cute puppy to live as an indoor dog, please reply to my blog...these pups are gonna need homes!
Took several group shots of the whole litter, but they weren't cooperating much.