Been a terribly busy weekend, with my friend Leclii visiting and taking puppies back with her. One that was due to head north for Jenny to foster...Hansel...got seriously sick just before Leclii's departure. So I sent Freckles on up with Gretel to Jenny's to foster. And off I went to see what could be done for Hansel. Sadly, I ended up taking him to the emergency vet and having to put him to sleep. Here's a photo taken this weekend of little Hansel.
Any other time I'd have thought having 3 little puppies to care for would be stressful and overwhelming. But....after having 8 of 'em for 2 weeks...caring for 3 is a piece of cake! Couple more weeks 'till they're ready for adoption. The local shelter said they typically go fast...though I'll probably be somewhat picky on adopters. Here's a few good shots taken over the warm weekend.
So where is Ducky now? If I didn't have a house/yard full, I would have to have this little one. (smile)
Mr Ducky is enjoying life here in North Carolina with me. He also has the company of his sister, Sara, and brother, Elliot. Ducky is Soooooo happy all the time, his tail wags a mile a minute. He's also gaining weight fast. Next week...'snip, snip' time for the boy dogs! I'll get some new photos up soon.
So this is why you haven't been around playing WTF Is That?. You've had your hands full.
Cute puppies!
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