Tuesday, November 27, 2007


Woke up this morning to the chore of double-baggin' the mouse in the fireplace. Ick, he was still moving a tad. Checked the sticky trap in the laundry room and there was the bonus mouse! I'd hoped the one in the fireplace was the same one I saw in the laundry room earlier, but I couldn't be that lucky. That makes the total count 4...but I'm stocking up on more sticky traps today. Somehow I don't think this is over just yet.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Not a creature was stirring...

...not even a mouse? Well, that part of the old "Night Before Christmas" story ain't true at my house! Just before my Thanksgiving vacation my Poodles informed me there was a mouse in the gas fireplace. Ugh! Slapped down a sticky trap and got the sucker first night. Next night the Poodles still kept whining at the fireplace. I was pretty sure it wasn't a mouse ghost, so put down another trap and snagged that mouse too! Just to be on the safe side, I put down a sticky trap in the fireplace during the week I was on vacation to Kentucky to spend Thanksgiving with family. Came home and there were mouse droppings on my darned sticky trap! Grrrr! I went to the laundry room later and there was a darned mouse in my clean laundry basket...ack! (Will wash all those in ultra-hot water later on). Set a sticky trap in there too! A short while ago the Poodles ran over to the fireplace, sure enough...got me a Mickey on that trap. I'm a little squeemish about the mice on the sticky trap, and I have to wait 'till they're dead to scoop 'em into a trash bag. So, for tonite, I get to hear the squeeks of the trapped mouse. I'll just turn the volume up on the TV. Ewwwww! How many more?!

Blog Neglect

Okay, so a few folks have called me out for my 'blog neglect'. It's been more than two months since I posted an update, so here's what I've been up to lately.

Been doing a bit of hiking with a local hiking group....fun group of folks I met through meetup.com. I know, that sounds more like a place to find a blind date, but they have groups with all kinds of interests. Check it out...bet you might find some meetup group in your area to join. Here's the folks that made the Congaree Park hike in South Carolina.

Lots of family birthdays, and going along with these is the typical family silliness. Silly string, fake 'Bubba' teeth and shoving the birthday person's mug into the yummy cake! Oh, and let's not forget my nephew Jonathan's skating party, where we all enjoyed the agony of those falling.

I missed the Hiking group's Halloween party, but my Poodles did dress up for handing out candy. I was smart this year, I bought candy that I did not like so I didn't gorge myself on the leftovers.