Saturday, April 07, 2007

Car Buyin' & stuff

Been neglecting my blog lately, so gonna try to catch up...

I finally did force myself to get out an buy a new SUV. Traded in my trusty ole Durango (with about 150K miles on it) and brought home the 2007 Toyota 4Runner about a month ago. Still has the new car smell!

Lessee, what else has been going on...
  • My friend, Jenny, got the last of the puppies (Gretel) adopted! Yeah!
  • Been gone more weekends than I've been home lately, visiting friends and family. No snow in North Carolina all winter, but one weekend in Virginia and it dumps 4" of that white stuff...ugh!
  • Someone was looking out for dryer was on the blink and it happened 1 week before the warranty ran out. My laptop disk drive bit the dust and I found out it was still under warranty ('cause I'd actually bought the darned extended warranty), what luck!
  • Just started doing a little 'Letterboxing' with my little sister, it gets me out of the house, out doing a little hiking & exercise and it's kinda like a treasure hunt.
  • I won the "Dead Guy" game over on The Trouble with Angels!
  • Started working on my 'weed garden' out front to make it into a 'flower garden'...still a work in progress, as you can see. And, of course, after I spend a pile of cash on flowers, we end up with some unusual freezing weather!