Tracking the Moves

Shows how Momma dog moved the puppies farther back, trying to keep 'em away from me I suppose. But, if you can make it out in the photo...that last flap of roofing tin is loose and easy to pull up. So, unless she moves them under some other roofing junk, this is a great spot to snag them when the time comes.
12/17/06 Update: Went by before work to leave some food, and found she'd moved the darned pups again. The collapsed building left a load of debris, so no telling where they are under all that stuff...and no time to look. Stopped again after work to leave food and found her coming out of the dark hole waaaay in the back of this pile of junk. I took a goes way back and I couldn't see the puppies at all. I can only hope she'll move them again to a place easier to reach.
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