
Yes, Puppies! From a previous post you can see I'd been attempting to capture and rehome the strays in my neighborhood. I've been having no luck with the last two, and sure enough...the girly came up pregnant. I tried feeding her some really yummie canned food and slipping a leash loop over her head, but she just backed out and left me in the dust. She was big 'n round when I saw her just before Thanksgiving. I left a huge bag of dog food and made a nice spot for her to have her puppies while I was out of town.
I saw her again on December 3rd, she'd had the puppies...which were nowhere in site. So I managed a week later to follow the trail of tramped down weeds that led to the woods...and there I found the pups. Could she have had them in the nice warm, dry, sheltered place I'd put the bedding? Noooo, she dug a hole under the remains of an old collapsed building and had her puppies in the trash littered dirt!
I did my best to count heads without bothering them, and it looks like there are SEVEN of them! Three or four are dark like her, and the others white with spots. From the number of white with spots on 'em pups, I'm pretty sure the Huntin' dog (see previous post) is the Daddy. She managed to keep them all healthy thru the recent cold snap...19 degree low a couple of nights! And moved the little buggers farther back under the roofing tin, so that'll make it hard for me to pull 'em out later. I'm waiting to get the puppies until I can trap the Mom...so I'm waiting delivery of a humane dog trap and hope it works! Watch for puppy updates! I'm already working on happy homes for these little goobers too!
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