Southern Sundays
I'm out early this Sunday morning to my favorite, not Walmart...not Macy's...Home Depot! I know, not very 'girly', but I'm a homeowner and could spend hours just browsing that store. I'm a 'list person', so there I am with my list of things to get, but I have a hard time keeping to my list in that store. Today I did well, and only had a couple of things extra: bag of birdseed & some handy-dandy velcro tie wraps to organize anything from computer cables to water hoses. Satisfied with meeting that goal, I'm off across the street to Petsmart for special dog food for old sick boy, Tucker. Ten minutes before opening, so I dash over to Food Lion next door for some milk, and since I plan to do some yardwork and mowing, a 6 pack of Smirnoff!

On a happier note, I've been taking my dogs for a walk on trails in a nearby park. It's about 1 1/2 miles from my house, so I'd drive there with one dog, walk him, come home, swap dogs and repeat the walking process. I didn't want to try both dogs at once because I wasn't sure I could manage to keep control. Today, in an effort to save time, I tried them both and I managed without getting hauled around! It kinda looked like I was driving two mules, but we managed okay.
Well, I'm further in the Bible-Belt than you. I can't even buy wine or liquor on Sundays at all. If you forget to buy it on Saturday, you're shit out of luck, so just be happy you only have to wait until noon. (smile)
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