Stray Souls

I managed to catch two that were semi-friendly black Border Collie mixes, one even had a collar. They looked like siblings. My guess, someone didn't bother to spay their female and these were the puppies they didn't find a home for....their solution, dump 'em. I tried several local All-Breed No-Kill rescues in my area, but they're all full. It's no wonder, since I think only a minority of pet owners bother to spay & neuter down here in Podunk, NC. At least these two females won't add to the stray population. If lucky enough to be adopted, they'll be spayed first.
I did contact Animal Control, and they said they'd had no luck catching the dogs in my neighborhood because someone would trip the traps, or put food outside the traps to prevent capture. I suppose the folks think they're helping the dogs, but they have no idea how slow & painful it would be for the dogs to starve to death. The AC officer said he believes these three dogs were most likely owned by the person who sold off the land to the developers, and when they moved recently they just cut the dogs loose.

There are three left...little black 'n rust Momma dog who's about the size of a beagle, a large hunting hound type dog and a brown Chow-mix lookin' dog with an undershot jaw (seriously ugly dog). All three are very thin, ribs and spine showing, too afraid to get too close. The Ugly Dude and Momma dog will come within 3-4 feet of me if I've put down food, but the Huntin' hound stays far away until I drive off. Huntin' dog was limping, but seems better now.

They're living in the new construction area of my neighborhood, and probably scrounging food from construction worker's trash. I've been tossing down dry dog food each morning to keep them from starving, and hoping I can get close enough to lasso one. I usually either see all three together, or not at all (though I see they eat the food each day). This time I only saw the Momma dog and the Huntin' hound, don't know where the Ugly Dude went. Time will tell...if he's alive, he'll be back at the feeding grounds eventually.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sad News ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I wrote that post yesterday but hadn't published it just yet. This morning I went to feed the strays, and saw the same two...both jumped up with tails wagging when I pulled up to the feeding area. But, on my way to work, I found the third stray..Ugly Dude met the fate of most strays, I found him dead on the side of the road.
That hound is sure a pretty guy. Too bad he is so scared of people, but can't blame him for that. I know it's hard to know Ugly Guy died and hopefully you can rescue the others before they join his fate.
A lot of city slickers seem to think us country folks want their abandonded pets. Or that a pet can survive in the wild. We generally load them up if we can catch them and of to the spca they go.
We have found homes for more than I can count.
Its the meanest thing one can do to a pet. Makes me wonder how they treat their kids.
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