Weekend with 'The Boys'

A couple of weekends ago I invited my three nephews, ages 9 to 12, to stay with me for the weekend. Of course, this means no weekend chores for them and some fun activities, so they jumped at the chance.
I really had a fun time with the boys....we did a bit of Geocaching, them on skateboards and rollerblades, me on foot carrying all our stuff. My feet were killing me after about 5 miles and many hours of exploring the local park...they were busy practicing cool moves and planning their Skater Dude t-shirt logos. I did force them off the 'wheeled devices' long enough to hike out on the frisbee golf course to find a cache. We did find quite a few caches, and these guys are good at helping to solve those puzzle caches too.

Their reward was eating out...and they said it was just the best food ever at Tomy Roma's! I have to admit...the food and service there was awesome, so I'll be sure to go back. Can you belive it...we had a weekend with no Playstations or other game boxes! The boys did plenty of buttering up so I'd have 'em back again....so will have to plan another weekend. Gotta enjoy 'em while they still wanna spend time with ya!
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