More Giant Spiders!

Laying in bed watching TV last night...only a little light across the floor from the TV, and I see some quick movement. I flip on the light and there's a huge spider...big long-legged brownish thing racing across my bedroom floor and headed for my bathroom! Ack! I look around for something to squish it with and quickly use a backpack. Slap! Slap! I give it a couple of good whacks and it stops moving....but...there's suddenly a mass of tiny moving objects. Eewwww! She'd had her babies (spiderlings I've found they're called) on her back and now they were running for cover. Just what I need, a hundred more of these buggers. I grabbed the DEET and put an end to that gene pool! Today I do a little digging around online and find it was most probably a Wolf Spider. First the Black Widow, now the Wolf Spider...what's next? Tarantula?!
Not sure what's worse, the spiders or the centipedes that are invading my house and plants. (laughing)
I just wish they'd stay on the outside of the house!
Damn. We get lots of spiders and plenty of earwigs too but that was one ugly spider.
make sure you shake your shoes out!!!!!
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