Carolina Wrens
Finally got some rain this weekend and things cooled down, so I decided to get busy with some yardwork and gardening. I had some potted grassy plants that I wanted to transfer to one of my flower gardens.
When I brushed the leaves aside, I disloged part of a nest that a bird had made in the pot! Out jumped two wee baby birds and off the deck they fell. So I quickly stashed the Poodles inside before they decided the birds were tasty treats, then scooped up and replaced the birds in their nest. Twice more a baby bird jumped out and I could tell by the songbird's change in tune that something was wrong. Yup, there was the darned baby bird in the yard again. Finally I think I adjusted the nest back the way it was, and saw the momma and pappa birds continue to feed their four babies thru the day. So, I suppose that particular plant will need to wait 'till the babies fly away.

So I went online trying to find out what kind of bird this was, and found it was a Carolina Wren. My nephew, Stephen, recently did a school project on South Carolina (he got an A!) and it included lots of info, including the state bird....the Carolina Wren! (Click on Stephen's photo for a larger image, and you can see his drawing of the Carolina Wren in the upper left of his project)
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